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Serving mothers who serve
12 Month Deployment Protection for New Moms

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12 Month Deployment Protection for New Moms

Hello Military Moms!

Great news!  The Air Force recently (Aug 2015) released an Air Force Guidance Memorandum (AFGM) for Air Force Instruction 36-2110, Assignments, and an Interim Change (IC) 36-2905, Fitness Program, which increases the deferment periods from 6 months post partum to 12 months for PCS, TDY, deployment, and fitness assessment exemption. 

For more information, go to:  http://static.e-publishing.af.mil/production/1/af_a1/publication/afi36-2110/afi36-2110.pdf 

This is HUGE!  This means that now we are able to spend 12 months with our precious little ones before we are eligible for deployment.  Untimely PCSs and TDYs shortly after delivery will no longer be a threat.  And to top off all of this mommy goodness, we will no longer have to push our still-healing post-partum bellies around a track for a timed fitness test for 12 months after discharge from the hospital. 

These changes are a great advancement in recognition of the time needed for moms to bond with their newborn and safely return to their pre-pregnancy level of fitness. 

Way to go Air Force!

What else would you like to see changed within the armed forces to provide greater support for the military mother?  Let me hear your thoughts in the comment section below.

I'll be in touch and I hope you'll do the same,
K. Renee


photo credit: Oregon National Guard via photopin (license)

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